Title: | Innovate the Future: A Radical New Approach to IT Innovation |
Categories: | Innovation Management |
BookID: | 12 |
Authors: | David Croslin |
ISBN-10(13): | 0137055153 |
Publisher: | Prentice Hall |
Publication date: | 2010-05-06 |
Edition: | 1 |
Number of pages: | 304 |
Language: | English |
Price: | 14.50 USD |
Rating: | |
Picture: | Buy now |
Description: |
Product Description A Proven, Step-by-Step Method for Consistently Creating Revolutionary Products, Services, and Processes
When it comes to entering, creating, or dominating markets, disruptive innovation is the most powerful tool you have. Unfortunately, most companies find disruptive innovation difficult to achieve and virtually impossible to replicate. In Innovate the Future, renowned technology innovator David Croslin helps you solve this problem once and for all. Croslin introduces a proven process for consistently creating inventions, technologies, and methods that are truly transformative.
Drawing on his unsurpassed experience leading innovation in organizations ranging from start-ups to the Fortune® 20, Croslin identifies structured steps for optimizing the entire innovation lifecycle. Then, using real examples and case studies, he shows how to apply these steps to
Innovate the Future is an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to drive more strategic value and profit from innovation: CxOs, strategists, entrepreneurs, R&D leaders, product and line of business leaders, and investors alike. |